Common Methods Used For Erosion Control 

Construction projects can bring major changes to the surrounding area. However, not all of them are wanted. Regardless of the work being completed, it’s important to take action on activities that may harm the surrounding environment. One of the biggest impacts on the environment is erosion. Eroded soil can lead to contaminated water sources as well as a lasting impact on the environment. Contractors need to be prepared for these issues and incorporate erosion control tactics into their plan. That being said, there are several methods that can be used to protect soils from being eroded, depending on the situation. 

Common Erosion Control Methods

Here are a few common erosion control methods for construction sites to minimize the environmental effects: 

  • Access mats: Access mats are used to create temporary roadways for heavy equipment to access work sites without the need for permanent roads. Instead, these mats are used as portable work platforms. They typically are used in areas with wet, soft ground because they can also help distribute the weight of heavy equipment such as trucks more evenly. 
  • Mechanically stabilized earth walls: Earth walls are created with precast concrete panels filled with granular soil and are relatively easy to install. They help with retaining soil on steep slopes to prevent soil erosion.
  • French Drains: French drains are a system of piping underground that carries surface and groundwater away from a construction site before it can carry along the soil to the surrounding environment.

If you are interested in learning a few more methods for erosion control practices and how they work, take a look at the accompanying resource below. 

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