Many homes in rural areas don’t have access to a public water system, and drilling a well provides a sustainable solution. But the well must be adequately maintained to ensure safe, clean water for drinking and other purposes. It’s best to keep a well away from contamination sources, such as animal feedlots, buried fuel tanks, and waste disposal systems. Then, the well can be protected from pollutants that seep into groundwater.
Well Location
Wells vary in depth, and determining the correct well location involves natural and human-influenced factors. The direction that groundwater flows influences the site location. A well should be placed so that contamination moves away from the well rather than toward it. Ideally, the well will be located on higher ground to allow surface water runoff and rain to drain away from the well instead of over or through it. A good place for a well is also away from streams, rivers, and ponds because they may contain bacteria and other contaminants. If you live in a more seasoned neighborhood, a past well driller may have stamped the well location and recorded the profundity in metropolitan records. Check for signs, including old casings in the ground or sketches of well locations left behind on joists in basements. In addition, look for animal trails that lead to springs and seeps, which often indicate the presence of a water-bearing formation.
Drilling Process
A well expert can check if the place for your new well is good. The location should be far from potential contaminants that can pollute groundwater. It includes animal feedlots, buried fuel tanks, waste pits, and septic systems. The soil type and topography are also important factors. The surface casing cement once a hole drills to the appropriate depth. The well drilling Brazoria County process continues until the well reaches total depth (TD). Most states and counties have regulations regarding where a well can be located and setback requirements. The skilled people who dig wells will take care of the paperwork for getting permission and can assist you with any complications.
Pump Installation
Once the well is complete, testing must be conducted to ensure the water is safe for consumption. Your well drilling contractor will be able to provide you with details regarding this process and any specific regulations or stipulations in your area. Pumps should be installed on a level base plate in an accessible location for routine inspections and repairs. It is also essential that the pump be adequately grounded to any metal plumbing and the motor frame using copper wire of a gauge that meets the manufacturer’s specifications. Shaft misalignment is a significant cause of pump failures. Although flexible shaft couplings can compensate for some misalignment, it is recommended that the equipment be aligned to the manufacturer’s specifications before piping. It is essential because the restoring forces and moments generated by shaft misalignment can damage bearings, seals, and even the shaft itself. Angular misalignment is typically measured in vertical and horizontal planes.
Well Casing
A well casing is a pipe that extends down the borehole, protecting it from debris and sediment. It keeps loose rock fragments and unconsolidated sand and gravel from collapsing into the well shaft and protects electrical wires, pull cables, and water tubing/piping connected to the pump. It also prevents contaminants (bacteria, fertilizers, and pesticides) from descending through the wall of the casing into zones of groundwater. Well casings are available in steel and PVC, but PVC is becoming more popular due to its strength and resistance to corrosion. We put cement or clay between the pipe and the hole so that dirty water and other nasty things cannot contaminate the underground water. A top cap is placed on the end of the casing to keep insects, dirt, dust, and small animals out.